President of Integrity Resource Management – A member of the Sanford Rose Associates® network of offices, Keith Sims, Featured in Fast Company, These Are the Top-Paying Remote Jobs and How You Can Land One

Plano, TX  1/25/2021

By: Stephanie Vozza

While the numbers have dropped since the onset of the pandemic, a lot of us are still working from home. According to a survey from Gallup, 33% of Americans are always working remotely and 25% are working remotely sometimes. Of those who work remotely, nearly two-thirds of would like to continue to do so.

“Even though the opportunity for knowledge workers to be remote keeps companies going during the pandemic, it opens a Pandora’s Box,” adds Keith Sims, president of Integrity Resource Management, a Sanford Rose affiliate executive search firm. “If you can work from home in Pennsylvania, why can’t we have someone work from home doing the same job from somewhere with a lower cost of living like Eastern Europe?”

Those seeking a career change need to take that into account when choosing where to develop new sets of skills, says Sims.

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